REVIEW - 2001: A Space Odyssey

REVIEW - 2001: A Space Odyssey Despite of it being created long before my birth my first watch went as well as it could have, having the opportunity to watch in all its glory on the big screen it’s fair to say I was not ready for it. With it having lengthy sequences without sound or dialogue to the last 20 minutes leaving me in just awe. I had always put myself off from watching it purely on a bases that I never really found myself a good time to watch it as I’d want to focus on what’s happening, but after seeing it and discussing with friends of mine I wanted to do a review for it. Writing a review on it might be looked at as unnecessary, given that when searched on the internet there are dozens of articles, reviews, dissertations on just about everything you need to know about A Space Odyssey, so odds are much about it has been said already. Regardless with it being its 50 th anniversary just passed this May and with it being my first time of watching it there’...